Thursday, March 5, 2020

Learn English As You Travel ESOL In Canada

Learn English As You Travel ESOL In Canada Learning English On A Canada Trip ChaptersBenefits Of Learning English While Travelling In CanadaOther Options For ESL English Learners To Visit CanadaPreparation For Which Part Of Canada To Visit?Canadian Essentials To Know For The English Language LearnerPlanning to travel to a natively English country when you are learning the English language is one of the best things that you can do to get some real-world English skills practice. It is also a significant motivating factor for English language learners because all of your senses with be stimulated with the language and culture.Canada is one of the most fascinating countries in the world, and it is no secret as the country welcomes millions of visitors every year from all over the world. There are national parks with trekking glore, skiing and snow sports in the winter, the famous Niagara Falls, and it is a wildlife mecca with animals like bears and moose.Canada's culture is unique and although the cities are modern and bustling as in many other parts of the world . Only a small proportion of the country is actually inhabited, the majority of the Canadian population live in the far south of Canada which is close to the US border.Although English is Canada's official language, it may not be quite so well known that French is also the official the joint language of Canada. Yes, indeed it is a dual language country, part of the country do speak French as their native language and mother tongue.When you go back to your ESOL lessons so much more is going to make sense to you. Photo Source: UnsplashAlthough there are native French-Canadian speakers all over Canada, the provinces of Quebec and New Brunswick actively use both languages in the everyday workings of the areas. Wikipedia states that up to 85% of bilingual Canadians live in or around the province of Quebec.As an English learner preparing your trip to Canada, you will be happy to know that the trip will support your language learning through full immersion into Canadian culture. If you pla n the trip wisely, this will be a wonderful opportunity to improve your English. It is important to make sure that you stay in the right area of the country. Let's take a look at the benefits of travel learning and how you can make the most of a trip to Canada.As an English learner preparing your trip to Canada will be fun. Photo Source: Unsplashmostly French-speaking so you won’t want to visit here if practising English is at the top of your list although they could make a great side trip. The rest of Canada is more or less English speaking, and so this gives you lots of wonderful options.The English Speaking Provinces Of Canada:Ontario is the province where you will find the capital of Canada; Ottawa. It is a host to big cities like Toronto which are metropolitan and modern. Much of Canada's population in live in this province due to its economic stability and great education.Manitoba is a quiet province with grasslands and prairies which gives any visitor a unique experience.Sa skatchewan is similar to Manitoba, and it is home to many indigenous Canadians.  A visit here may allow you to hear one of the many indigenous languages of Canada.Alberta hosts the capital of Calgary, it is home to mountains, farmland, oil production and lots of snow in the winterBritish Columbia hosts the popular Vancouver and Victoria island, it is breathtaking with the Rockies and natural parks in close location to the cities.Nova Scotia borders the Atlantic coast and has a thriving fishing industry. The capital is Halifax, with Dartmouth, which is an even bigger city very nearby.Prince Edward Island is a small island with beaches and a tiny populationThis is not meant to serve as a travel guide, but hopefully, this overview gives you an idea about where you might want to travel to in Canada to develop your English language skills.Visit Canada if practising English is at the top of your list. Photo Source: UnsplashCanadian Essentials To Know For The English Language LearnerThe W eatherBefore you leave home to visit Canada, you must realise that Canada has some very extreme weather conditions. You must make sure that you understand the weather for the location in Canada that you plan to travel to and plan and prepare accordingly.The weather follows extremes with sweltering summers in many places and cold arctic winters. For Example in the winter months planning a trip to see the Niagra falls maybe a waste of time. Likewise, it is essential to prepare your wardrobe as in the coldest months in some of the coldest provinces you may find it unbearable to go out o explore.Indeed it is a universal reaction that when the sun comes out life is just that bit brighter. To see Canada in all of its glory at the lease for the first time it would be wise to visit outside of the winter months and enjoy all that Spring, Summer and autumn have to offer. Unless you have a very defined reason for visiting Canada during the winter, the best months would most certainly be betwee n April and October.Entry RequirementsDepending on your passport you may have to get a visa or entry document to visit Canada. For most tourists, you are welcomed to stay for up to 6 months in Canada, but this varies depending on many things. If you which to study in Canada you will need a student visa, ensure you know the purpose of your trip and get the right visa.You must research the entry requirements for your particular passport before leaving your country of origin. I would even advise that you understand your status and secure your visa before booking your flight as if your permit is not approved you could lose the money for your flight.Fast Facts: Essential InformationCanada's currency is the Dollar (CAD)Expect to spend around $100 per day for hostel/backpacker level travel.Canada has plug style as the USA, 2 long flat prongs.Best time to go is March to NovemberHeat exhaustion or dehydration in the summer and cold exposure in the arctic winters can cause health concerns. Ma ke sure you understand how to best take care of yourself and seek medical advice should you need it.Travelling to the country of the language that you are learning gives you the advantage of improving your basic skills and guides you toward academic achievement. The learning environment has a significant influence on the English language development of the language learner. When you are studying English in your ESOL classroom, you will be in a passive form of learning. When you are travelling you have access to English all around you, you will be immersed in the language.If you are working to improve your English, you will have a great time on your trip to Canada.  If you found this useful, why not check out our blog on Student Travel in Australia!

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